Hospital or Clinic Management
DocEngage Telemedicine Hot
OPD, IPD, ICU Telemedicine, Remote Patient Monitoring
DocEngage Clinic Software
OPD Management, Queue Management System
DocEngage EHR
Charting, EMR, EHR, Prescriptions, Assessment Forms
DocEngage Homecare
Home Healthcare, Physiotherapist, Palliative Care
DocEngage HMS
OPD, IPD, Pharmacy, Discharge Summary
Customer Experience, Marketing & Sales
DocEngage HCRM
CRM, Customer Experience, Feedback Apps
Call Center CRM
Inbound & Outbound Call Tracking, Interaction
Lead Management
Capture All Your Online & Offline Leads
B2B Field Sales
Track sales team field and sign more business
Healthcare CRM 360
We know DNA of Hospitals. Learn More →
HD 2-way video. OPD & IPD Telehealth.
Remote Patient Monitoring. IOT Devices.
Our Telemedicine solution makes it easy for you to manage the most important aspects of your practice in your smartphone or tabs remotely. Conduct virtual visits with patients from outside your local area, and create digital records with just a few clicks.
Telemedicine software enables to connect doctors and sick person remotely through audio & video conferencing. The doctor should able to manage the sick person clinical data during the call itself. Telemedicine is a subset of health IT that encompasses the use of technology to deliver clinical healthcare via secure video and audio connections.
Telemedicine software also enables remote sick person monitoring. Through telemedicine, the sick person can connect with the doctor any time anywhere via secure audio and video call and the sick person can also share some documents and images. DocEngage telemedicine software in India also allow sick person self-assessment workflow before the doctor start the video or audio call
Telemedicine software is one way to service more sick persons in less time and to reduce the overhead of sick person check-in and waiting areas. Telemedicine allows doctors to reach globally across the world and impact each sick person life, making sure each sick person received the proper health advice and care.
Also, the population of elderly and chronically ill sick persons is growing quickly. Telemedicine solutions are most effective when a physician can actually see the sick person, visually diagnose a condition, and document the encounter.
HD Video Call, Track Wait time, Call Time, Reminder for Video Call, Live Chat, Document
Easy booking system, Status Tracking, Appointment Compliance, Link with Invoice
Easy pay via payment Link & App, Payment Confirm Notification, Track of Fail Payment
Manage Vital, Notes, ePrescription, Document, Lab Order, Diagnosis, Health Assessment form
Get the Patient Consent, Highly Secure 2 Way Communication sick person & doctor details
Today, Upcoming & Past schedule, App notification, sick person data management
Online Appointment & Payment Request, Vital & Document Upload, Feedback, Health-tips
Appointment, Remote Connect, Visit Summary post consultation, Feedback after consultation
Follow Up Appt. Mgmt. Reduce No Shows, Automated call to sick person for follow up
Manage ePrescription, Refills & Automated notification
Facebook, IVR, SMS, Email, Website, Whatsapp
100+ Reports ready for measure your quality of services
Ministry &
NITI Aayog
Telemedicine Guidelines
Free Trial next Improves Patient Engagement
Improves Healthcare Quality
Increases Practice Revenue
Reduces Patient No-shows
DocEngage telemedicine has integrated EHR along with the video consultation. This enables caregivers to manage the medical record during the call itself and refer to the old medical record. It's very easy to use, very similar to an in-person visit.
Providers need all the assurance to conduct the video call in terms of technology, reminder, and visibility of call timing, etc. The sick person should also sign the consent and share some of the documents with the doctor before start the video call. That's why DocEngage allow end-user to configure the workflow and rules as per user requirement.
DocEngage enables the user to have their brand logo and name in your telehealth app, so the sick person is associate with your practice get the peace of mind that they are getting the same level of care that they’ve come to expect from your team.
Not all video connections are secure enough to provide the sick person confidentiality protections required by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). That’s one of the many reasons that providers are choosing purpose-built telemedicine technology, rather than consumer grade video conferencing options like Facetime or Skype, these solutions are not HIPAA-compliant video conferencing solutions.
No matter how easy-to-use telemedicine software can be, no doubt there will be questions from time to time. or case to case. That’s why Users should choose technology that includes in-app support for real-time issue resolution. We have in-app chat option to connect with the end-user in real-time or we are just a call away to support our customers.
Appointment Management. Complete Medical Data. E-prescription. Refill & Reminders.
Medical History Document Share. Diagnosis. Billing. OPD Management.